The brand built to put you to sleep

When Mattress Firm brought us it was just a URL redirecting to their homepage. We saw an opportunity to create an expertise brand with everything in service of better sleep. Taking our inspiration from circadian rhythms, changes to surface relevant content based on user’s time of day.

Data driven content and recommendations

Data from the tools, articles clicked, and sonar sleep tracker, all combine to build a holistic picture of a person’s sleep. Allowing Mattress Firm to not only personalize content on the site, but also product recommendations online and in stores.

  • A project like came to Droga5 only because of the relationship my team and I were able to build with the client over several years. As one of the leads on the account, I was across the Mattress Firm brand as we worked to establish them as America’s Most Trusted Authority on Sleep. Because of my proximity to the clients and their business I was able to make connections between projects that no one else could.

    My vision for came from the work we did on their Mattress Matcher. We knew that we could deliver good product recommendations based on user inputs but we were limited by user assumptions about what their sleep disruptors were. The ability to see the type of sleep content users were engaging with could provide us a more nuanced layer of data that would allow us to more deeply understand their needs, and in turn make even better product recommendations.

    In addition to content, we also knew that Mattress Firm was in discussions to partner with SleepScore Labs. My work on the brand architecture provided the framework we needed to see the potential for to be at the center of our expertise pillar and the best place for SleepScore Labs integration.

    When it came to developing the brand identity and experience, we wanted to demonstrate our expertise in a way that felt personal. My team of designers developed several directions but when I saw an early exploration titled “night mode” I immediately saw the conceptual hook we needed to create a contextual brand that changed throughout the day. Not only filtering content based on what users might need at different points in the day, but also feeling different every time a user visited and thus encouraging repeat visits to see what was new.

  • Design
    Lia Sfiligoj | JiYoung Kim | Kevin McCullam | Albie Eloy | James Garvey | Denzel Hill

    Frank Renwick | Nivie Roberts

    Gideon Olshansky | Justin Schneider

    Project Management
    Damaris Ghia | Chase Pinckney